Presidents Corner
Teamwork divides that tasks and multiplies the success.- Anonymous Dear AMUCT Members The past few months from the culmination of our AGM, have been a period of varied excitement, experiment, expectations and experience for me. While the historical XXVII STATUTORY CONFERENCE OF The XXVII STATUTORY CONFERENCE OF AIFUCTO 2013 has helped us to re- demonstrate AMUCT’s leadership and organisational skills as well as the vibrancy and unity of our members for the cause of higher education. The conference was a landmark for AMUCT and Mangalore. The overwhelming response of more than 2000 delegates from across 21 states representing various teachers’ associations was a testimony of the trust that the teaching fraternity reposed in AMUCT and its leadership. When the National Executive Committee of AIFUCTO awarded the opportunity to host this year’s Conference at Mangalore under the banner of AMUCT, I was humbled at the honour bestowed on us. I deeply felt that it is an opportunity for us to express our gratitude and solidarity with AIFUCTO who have been instrumental in restoring the dignity and living conditions of college teachers over the years. I am happy that all of you lived up to your promise. You have not only contributed your time, intellect and energy but also extended financial support generously and have been working as one team continuously to make the conference a memorable one. AMUCT relatively being a small organisation with just 35 units having around 470 active and responsible members has created a niche for itself. I am grateful to all of you – dear members of AMUCT- for your generous financial contributions and active involvement in the organisation of this three day conference. Without your cooperation, involvement, generous financial contributions and full support, this conference would not have been possible. The Central Leadership, veterans and delegates have regarded the Conference as a benchmark for future conferences and have hailed it for its very high standard of organizational skill, technological acumen and total involvement of all members in all its activities; worthy of learning and imitating . The credit of the success of the Conference is certainly yours. I congratulate and thank each one of you very much for reposing your confidence in our leadership. Along with our members several institutions, organisations and individuals have contributed immensely towards the organisation of this conference. Without their cooperation and unstinted support, this conference would not have been possible. On behalf of AMUCT, I take this opportunity to extend our most sincere thanks to each one of them profusely. A very special note of appreciation to Dr Oscar Fernandes, Hon’ble Union Minister for Transportation, Road and Highways who flew all the way from New Delhi just for the inaugural function. It was an extraordinary gesture on his part that has a great value addition for the success of the conference. I take this opportunity to thank the leadership of AIFUCTO, particularly Prof. Asok Barman, General Secretary for his constant and meticulous guidance, and in making this conference happen in Mangalore, and also in inspiring us to host it successfully. I am grateful to Rev Fr Denzil Lobo SJ, Rector, St Aloysius Institutions and the Management of St Aloysius College and Rev Fr Swebert D’Silva SJ , Principal, St Aloysius College, who have supported us in organizing this conference. I also gratefully acknowledge the guidance and support of FUCTAK under the leadership of Mr C.H. Murigendrappa, President, and the leaders of KGCTA, KUCTA, GUPCTA, TUCTA, BUCTA , MUPCTA and all our donors/ advertisers for their generous financial support. Ever since AMUCT decided to host the Conference, our team, comprising Dr A.M. Narahari, the Conference Chairman, Dr Denis Fernandes, Convener of Amuct Website and Souvenir Committee, Mr Charles S. Pais, the Conference Treasurer, Dr Ummappa Poojary, Convener of Accommodation Committee and Mr Purushotham K.V. General Secretary have contributed their time, intellect, energy and made great sacrifices. They have toiled day and night and are the brains behind the conference. My personal heartfelt thanks to ALL the Conveners and members of various Organising Committees. Each one of them has worked with utmost commitment and dedication as one team continuously in realizing our dream. As I treasure the phenomenal success of the conference I am also constantly worried by our common woes, anxieties and frustrations generated by the back to back circulars and orders that have been threatening the very concept of grant-in aid. The issue of irrational and inhuman redeployment of bureaucratically defined and identified “surplus teachers” to Government College has been temporarily solved. It will be self-defeating if I do not mention the personal interest and persistent efforts of Mr J.R. Lobo, Member, Legislative Assembly, Karnataka State in restoring the status-quo in our region. However, our woes did not stop there. I am not sure what will be in store after March 31?. The recent Gazette order and the circular issued regarding non-inclusion of non-grant period service have created a feeling of diffidence and betrayal among a large number of our members and office staff. Issues related to granting of UGC pending arrears even after 8 years, creation of Professor’s post, granting of incentive increments for obtaining Ph.D qualification, appointment of Principals, acceptance of API format, extension of career advancement scheme , rectification of anomalies are still alluring us. Though much has been achieved, more remains to be accomplished. I assure you that AMUCT seeks to strike a balance between challenges that we face and the stability and security of the service conditions of the members and reiterates its commitment to those of us who are affected by redeployment, notional increment issues and refixation of salary, hurdles to career advancement and so on. I urge each one of you to demonstrate your solidarity by remaining actively united by desisting any tendency that weakens our moment. As Helen Keller said “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much”. Long Live AMUCT, Long Live Teachers’ Movement Dr Norbert Lobo President, AMUCT |
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