A two day National Conference on “RUSA: A Paradigim Shift for Quality Enhancement of Science & Humanities Education and Research ( RUSA CON -2014)” , organized by S.M. Scindia Govt Model Science College and SOS in Tourism and Travel Management, Jiwaji University, Gwalior 9 M.P.), Feb 28 & March 1, 2014 highlighted the urgent need to invest on human resources for quality enhancement on higher education .
Delivering the key note address Prof Sudanshu Bhusan urged the need for involving the teachers in the process of policy making. He pointed out that the problems associated with academic reforms are much deeper than is normally thought in terms of schematic solutions, plan interventions, resource shortage or leadership development. Teachers, over a period, have suffered from excessive bureaucracy and control and have been denied the autonomous space to work freely without fear. They have also been denied adequate authority to develop an academic reform agenda from within. The teaching community is too fragmented and hardly forms an organic unity among themselves. In the reform agenda rational maximizing individual has been assumed from a pure utilitarian perspective directing teachers to serve market interests and play the role more as manager of the programmes than as intellectual leader. He further observed that MHRD is not fully prepared so far to launch RUSA even in the second year of the 12th plan.
The session was followed by presentations by the representatives from various affiliated units of AIFUCTO. There was a general apprehension about the mode of implementation of RUSA. However it was concluded that since RUSA has been already implemented , instead of opposing it , the teachers under the aegis of AIFUCTO should prepare an alternative document regarding the modalities of its implementation and the provisions of RUSA be available to all the stake holders and free from bureaucratic control and administration. The schemes of RUSA should be implemented in an inclusive manner and should not be confined to only Government institutions as has been done in some states like Karnataka .
The Conference was attended by over 125 delegates from as many as 28 states. There were also sessions by other invited experts from NITTTR Bhopal and Jiwaji University Gwalior.
Mr Charles Pais , Treasurer, Dr Denis Fernandes Editor and Dr Norbert Lobo, President of AMUCT and Vice President of AIFUCTO , Mr Bhagyavana Mudigoudra, National Secretray AIFUCTO along with Mr John Sherra, , Dr Ronald Nazareth from St Aloysius College attended the conference.
The Conference was followed by NEC meeting of AIFUCTO. Mr Bhagyavana Mudigoudra, National Secretary AIFUCTO and Dr Norbert Lobo, President of AMUCT and Vice President of AIFUCTO took active part and highlighted the problems faced by teachers in Karnataka. The NEC members appreciated the Mangalore Conference of AIFUCTO for its high standards of organizational efficiency. Issues related to RUSA, Physical Education Teachers and Librarians, Payment of UGC pending arrears were discussed.