Mangalore, August 9,
The first general council meeting of Federation of University and College Teachers Association in Karnataka ( FUCTAK) was held on August 7, 2013 at BUCTA Office, Bangalore. The meeting started at 11.00 am went on till 6.00 pm with a short lunch break in between. Representatives of BUCTA, KGCTA, MUPCTA, GUPCTA, KUCTA, TUCTA, DUCTA and AMUCT took part in the meeting. Dr A.M Narahari, Dr Ummappa Poojary and Dr Norbert Lobo The report of the previous General Council Meeting was read by the General Secretary Dr K.M Nagaraja and was approved.
Following agenda was transacted
1. Pending UGC Arrears: The house appreciated the work done by Sri Bhaghyavan and Dr Bhaskar. It was informed that a few colleges have not yet submitted the claims and a few that have submitted have not prepared the bills in required format. Hence the process has been delayed. It was resolved to inform the colleges to expediate the process as early as possible.
2. Decisions Taken by the Commissioner: The High Powered Implementation Committee had a series of meetings with the Commisioner during the last few months. Accordingly the GO on implementation of API, Creation of Professor’s Posts, Extension of Ph.D. Incentive Increments, Circular on Stepping up of salary fixation are ready and will be issued shortly.
3. Lokayukatha Visit to Government College and Its Aftermath: The house had a lengthy deliberation and discussion on the issue. It was unanimously agreed that all faculty should be available in colleges for 40 hours a week and write the work dairy. The Federation reiterated its support the Officials of the Collegiate Department in taking action against the erring staff.
4. AIFCUTO Statutory Convention: The house applauded AMUCT for obtaining the honour of hosting the 27th AIFUCTO Statutory Conference at Mangalore and extended its whole hearted support in organizing the Conference. Each member unit pledged their support in the collection of funds and voluntarily agreed to collect / contribute a minimum of Rs Fifty Thousand each. It was resolved to co-opt the Presidents of Each Unit to the organising Committee and all the members of General Council will be given honorary participation.
5. Minimum Workload for Subjects
6. Oraganising a workshop for restructuring the Curriculum of B.A. Degree Courses.
7. Recognizing the Teachers Unit of Bijapur Women’s University
8. Problems and Threats Faced by Aided Colleges due to the unscientific starting of Government Colleges.