Mangalore, Sept. 25, 

The AIFUCTO Rally on September 20, 2013 was  participated by the teachers from all over India and was a great success. The rally was organised To oppose the Amended UGC Regulations 2013,  To demand strengthening public funded education, To  Demand control of private educational institution, To oppose new pension scheme and To demand democratization of  management of educational institutions.

The meeting was addressed by national leadership of AIFUCTO.Prof.K.K.Thekedath,former President,Prof.Mrinmoy Bhattacharya, former General Secretary in their speeches stressed the united nature of teachers’ movement under the leadership of AIFUCTO for five decades and called upon the teachers to remain vigilant to protect the rights and successes AIFUCTO achieved through united movements  over the decades.Prof.Tarun Patra& Prof. AsokBarman, the President & General Secretary of AIFUCTO declared that the Organisation would continue to fight to achieve the demands and sought cooperation from the members in the on-going struggle.

The meeting was also addressed by leaders of Delhi University Teachers’Association,Jawharlal Nehru University Teachers’ Association &JamiaMilia University Teachers’ Association. The leaders expressed solidarity with the AIFUCTO,supported the demands & expressed the hope that a united movement would take shape to serve the cause of education, teachers& students.



On Sept.21 the NEC  meeting of AIFUCTO was held at Delhi. The meeting  was attended by 100 members. Dr A.M. Narahari, former President of FUCTAK and AMUCT, attended the meeting on behalf of AMUCT. The conference preparations were explained by him. Brochures were distributed. NEC appreciated the preparedness of AMUCT and expressed its satisfaction.

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