Mangalore, Jan13, 

A meeting of the office bearers of teachers movement in Karnataka, and government officials related to higher education was convened by Higher Education Minister, Sri R.V. Deshpande, on January 12, 2014 in Bangalore to discuss important issues related to teachers' demands. The issues discussed in the meeting are as follows:

UGC Arrears: The minister informed that the total arrears pending are Rs.981 crs. Government has already paid Rs.68 crores. One more installment will be paid very shortly. Dr.B.L.Bhagyalakshmi, Director will be officiating on behalf of Government of Karnataka for getting the central share released. Principal Education Secretary will personally visit New Delhi in this regard, within the next one week. Government of Karnataka will take steps to release the pending arrears.

API: The document already prepared by the expert committee has been examined and accepted by the department. Necessary Orders will be issued within 10 days.

Post of Principal: Since C & R rules are to amended, principals in government colleges will be selected on deputation within a week. It will be on the basis of seniority. The Principal Secretary promised that he will look into the issue of selection of principals in aided colleges.

Post of Professor in colleges: The report of the expert committee has been accepted. In government colleges, each subject is considered as a unit whereas in aided colleges, each management will be considered as a unit for the appointment of professors. The minister directed the department to take action in this regard immediately.

Ph.D incentives: The minister directed the department to issue Orders for extending Ph.D incentive increments for the in service teachers as recommended by the expert committee. However, the issue of incentives to those who were appointed with Ph.D qualification will be referred to MHRD for further clarification.

Step-Up: The commissioner informed that necessary Orders will be uploaded on the website.

UGC pay fixation for Part-time teachers: The minister assured that the issue will be taken to finance department once again and efforts will be made to convince the finance department to reconsider its decision.

The issue of applying RUSA scheme to aided colleges was discussed. The Minister was urged to consider the RUSA for aided colleges also as this scheme is initiated by the Government of India and there must not be be any discrimination between government and private colleges. The Minister and the Principal Secretary agreed to discuss the issue for initiating necessary steps in this regard.

The Minister requested the teachers to do their best in improving results in Government colleges. He promised that whatever is due to the teachers will be extended. The teachers also should reciprocate this gesture with dedicated hard work. 

Following Members were present: 


  1.  Sri R.V.Deshapande
  2. Sri Rajneesh Goel, Principal Education Secretary
  3. Sri G.B.Nandakumar, Commissioner for Collegiate Education
  4. Dr.B.L.Bhagyalakshmi, Director of Collegiate Education
  5. Sri Basavarajendra, CAO, Collegiate Education  and other officers 


  1. Sri C.H.Murigendrappa, President
  2. Sri Nagaraj, Gen.Secretary
  3. Sri T.M.Manjunath, President, KGCTA
  4. Sri Bhagyavan Mudigowdra, Gen.Secretary, KGCTA
  5. Dr.A.M.Narahari, Former President , FUCTAK
  6. Dr. Sangapur, President, KUCTA
  7. Sri Jayapraksh, President, TUCTA
  8. Dr.S.S.Satnoor, President, GUPCTA & others

Report by Dr A.M. Narahari, Former President FUCTAK and AMUCT



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